Current Projects

EASEL Fellowship: Environment & Art Sessions for Emerging Leaders

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2023 (24:00 EST)

EASEL is a multi-format co-curricular experience aimed at engaging a cohort of underrepresented undergraduate and/or graduate art students in environmental justice (EJ) discourse. Through a series of sessions, the cohort will engage with local EJ communities and broader environmental health research. From these experiences, the cohort will create original art pieces to be featured in Spring 2023 Science Gallery Atlanta JUSTICE exhibition.  

A component of justice is providing spaces and opportunities to tell stories from voices previously ignored. Like easels that support artwork through creation and later display, this Fellowship works towards justice by helping Fellows build skills that enable them to advocate and contribute to their communities more effectively.

Vibrations: African Environment Photo Essay Contest

Submission Deadline: January 15, 2022 (24:00 EST)

Do it.

Teach it.

Share it.

From desertification to groundwater contamination by oil spills and multi-toxin air pollution, Africa faces a considerable and unique set of environmental health challenges. Despite these hurdles, individuals and communities continue to push for changed behaviors and policies to help actualize a healthier future for the continent’s inhabitants. Through this contest, we hope to provide financial assistance and draw greater attention to these important, ongoing environmental improvement and education efforts.